Laura G. Rodriguez Elementary opened September 4th, 2007. It is a brand new Prop MM school. It was named after a beloved Logan Heights community's civic activist.
Read some short stories about Laura.
Celebration of Life
Additional Info on Laura
Spirit of the Barrio
Laura and Cantinflas
Awards and Recognitions
- President Bush Point of Light - Oct 23, 1991
- Channel 10 Leadership Award - January 4, 1991
- Recognized by Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham - November
- Recognized by Governor Pete Wilson - October 1991;
- Recognized by Assemblyman Pete Chacon - 1987
- Mexican American Foundation "Woman of the Year" award in 1974
- Mexican American Foundation "Oradora de Honor" 1979
- SDG&E consumer advisory panel service award 1980
- Salvation Army Door of Hope Women's Auxillary Women of Distinction
Award 1981
Newspaper Articles
- San Diego Union Tribune May 2, 1991 Cornerstone of the Barrio;
- La Prensa San Diego Newspaper November 20, 1992 (celebrating her
- San Diego Union Tribune October 24,1991 (Honored by Bush);
- El Sol de San Diego Newspaper October 24,1991 re: Point of Light
School Colors
BLUE! Why blue? Laura G. Rodriguez liked blue so we honor her with wearing that color. Periwinkle blue is in fact her favorite color. It’s a soothing and calm color. We like it ourselves!
KHAKI! It represents the color of our skin. We are all human and in learning about Sra. Laura, we learn the being civic minded is a way to help and shape a culture, a community and humanity.
A Corrido (music ballad/ode) was written by Pepe Villarino and it is included below.
Laura G. Rodiguez Corrido