Laura G. Rodriguez Elementary opened September 4th, 2007. It is a brand new Prop MM school. It was named after a beloved Logan Heights community's civic activist. Read some short stories about Laura.
Awards and Recognitions
- President Bush Point of Light - Oct 23, 1991
- Channel 10 Leadership Award - January 4, 1991
- Recognized by Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham - November
- Recognized by Governor Pete Wilson - October 1991;
- Recognized by Assemblyman Pete Chacon - 1987
- Mexican American Foundation "Woman of the Year" award in 1974
- Mexican American Foundation "Oradora de Honor" 1979
- SDG&E consumer advisory panel service award 1980
- Salvation Army Door of Hope Women's Auxillary Women of Distinction
Award 1981
Newspaper Articles
- San Diego Union Tribune May 2, 1991 Cornerstone of the Barrio;
- La Prensa San Diego Newspaper November 20, 1992 (celebrating her
- San Diego Union Tribune October 24,1991 (Honored by Bush);
- El Sol de San Diego Newspaper October 24,1991 re: Point of Light
A Corrido (music ballad/ode) was written by Pepe Villarino and it is included below.
Laura G. Rodiguez Corrido